Wednesday 13 February 2013

LCBO Samplings: How We Interact with Consumers

You know when you walk into the LCBO and you are greeted by a friendly person who gives you the opportunity to taste a wine, cooler, or some other alcohol? That's us! Girls of Glam will be at the LCBO again this year conducting samplings at various locations in Ontario.

You may know us for paid to party events, and promotional modeling services; however, Girls of Glam is also well versed in the corporate field, and the LCBO is one of our largest sampling clients. We love being able to work at the LCBO because we are able to communicate with customers who actually get to interact with the product we are endorsing.

What exactly is expected of Girls of Glam girl / guy when they are on the job at the LCBO? Let's give you a little taste, shall we!

We arrive ON TIME, looking extremely professional, and knowledgeable about the product. We are given a cheat sheet which explains each product we are sampling in detail so we can answer questions to even the most knowledgable tasters.

Girls of Glam are to set up a station as required by the brand, as well as ice, and other items needed for the tasting. The LCBO is simply our venue that is allowing the brand we are endorsing to house our tasting.

We are required to provide a bar count  - just as a bartender would, and we are also Smartserve certified. This means we know exactly how much to serve to a customer, and we keep in mind that these customers may be driving. We take this portion of the job extremely seriously.

Since brand-endorsing is something Girls of Glam excels at, each of our employees take their role as a brand ambassador seriously no matter what the job is. LCBO samplings are no exception. The staff are aware that they are not only representing the brand they are sampling, they are also representing the LCBO as the first face the customer sees when they walk into the store. We ensure Girls of Glam staff are friendly, outgoing, and are always smiling. Our work is far from tedious, which means there is no reason for a Girls of Glam employee to look upset. Our smiles are our pride.

We also act as sales reps. We want the consumer to purchase the product. It's extremely difficult to yield a beautiful girl, or handsome guy who is convincing you to purchase the product. But we are also very proud of the brand we are representing - and we get excited about it. Which really helps push a sale.

Once we are completed our job at the store, our role does not end thier. It is our duty to provide a detailed report on our shift at the LCBO. We provide consumer statements, sales records, and many other logistics that aid our client in the performance of their product.

LCBO samplings are something we look forward to. This is where Girls of Glam really have the opportunity to show off our professionalism, and also our more corporate side. We have a lot of extremely smart, and professional staff on our roster - and this really shows in our LCBO samplings.

If you do happen to walk into an LCBO and see a sampling, please stop to say hello to the representative, and try the product. We would love to see you!

To book Girls of Glam for a sampling contract or brand endorsement opportunity please email us at

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