Tuesday, 15 January 2013

Girls of Glam get Social

At Girls of Glam, we are well aware that our industry relies on word of mouth. It is our job after all! We also understand that we have a lot of fans, clients, and models who want to stay in touch with us, and keep up with all the events we partake in. That's why we got super social!

We want to ensure you see the Doll of The Day, keep up to date with our whereabouts, and all the events and samplings we are part of. Below you will find all the social networks we are involved with so you can pick and choose the ones that make the most sense for you to follow...or, we hope...you follow all of them!


Name: Girls of Glam

Our most recent addition to our social media, we will be using Pinterest to post pictures of our staff, staff events, and also photos we find inspiring. Make sure you follow us!

Name: GirlsofGlam

Knowing that Instagram has become one of the most popular photo sharing networks, we really wanted to take advantage of this social network! We know you LOVE looking at all our exciting photos, from the Doll of the Day to our events, so we figured Instagram would give you an at a glance look at everything we are doing. To follow us, search for GIRLSOFGLAM

Name: GirlsofGlam, Dollhouseincorp

Twitter is the place where we give you updates on all events, recent blog posts, the Doll of the Day, special announcements, and where we communicate with YOU! We love getting Tweets and Retweets from all you. So make sure you follow us, and please reach out to us - we will always Tweet back!

Google+: GirlsofGlam

As Google + becomes more imperative, we jumped on board with this. Although this has been a slow moving network i.e. people have it but never use it, we still wanted to have it so the ones who do use Google+ are able to keep up with are blog posts and other article and photos we post on this network. Don't be shy....join our circle!

Our Blog! - RIGHT HERE!

 We do a blog post 3 times a month! Our posts are always industry-related! Whether we are talking about a really cool event we worked at or an upcoming event we think you would all love it will be on our blog. This is the place where we get real, and communicate with you. You will learn lots about the industry, how Girls of Glam can benefit you, and also industry tips and insights!

Thanks to everyone who keeps up with us in the social world!!!

Monday, 7 January 2013

Staffing At Trade Shows

It's trade-season! You will start to notice a ton of trade shows come about over the next few months, and with trade shows comes the need for specialized staff and extra hands. Girls of Glam recognize this need, and we have a handful of men and women who are experienced in trade show staffing for various industries.

Why Should You Outsource Staff for Trade Shows

Aside from the fact that trade shows are generally on weekends and regular staff would prefer not to work them, Girls of Glam are specialized in events like this, which means we can provide the energy, experience, and knowledge that you need to represent your brand.

Energy is key. Girls of Glam provide staff who WANT to work at these events. Our staff loves working at events, which means the energy we bring to a trade show is positive and outgoing, and not to mention attractive. No one will shuffle by your brand, we will attract people! In a warehouse full of industry competitors, you need that extra something to attract people, and make people want to come and see you. This is where we come in!

Girls of Glam are proud that we can provide experience to our clients. We never provide staff who are not armed with the qualifications and experience you are looking for. We recognize that trade shows act as business development and a first impression for your brand, and we want to ensure we act as a positive first impression. All the staff we provide have been trained, and have experience working trade shows. This means they know exactly what to do at the show, and how to represent you in a positive and professional manner. Our staff adapt to your brand's concept.

When you are searching for staff to represent you at a trade show contact Girls of Glam! We are always excited to be able to provide exceptional staffing services when it comes to trade shows. If there are very specific particulars to staffing - you can provide us any information and we will ensure our staff is knowledgeable of your brand, what you represent, and your motive at the show. Our goal is to provide staff that can adapt to your brand, and appear as though they are full time staff!

Contact us if you are interested in staffing for trade show opportunities:


Wednesday, 2 January 2013

An End to Great Year with Girls of Glam: GOG Christmas Party

Girls of Glam had a fantastic year in 2012! We were so pleased with the hard work our staff contributed to our clients. We are really looking forward to 2013!

On December 20th, we decided to host a fabulous Christmas party for Girls of Glam at &Co Resto Bar with an open invite to the public. We were extremely happy with the turn-out, and the Girls and Men of GOG had such a great time. Provided with wonderful hospitality from the staff at &Co, and VIP bottle service from Jennifer, CEO of GOG, the Girls of Girls of Glam enjoyed a great night off!

If you're curious to know what our Girls are like when they're not working....just take a look at the photos from our party:

Girls of Glam would like to give a big thanks to &Co Resto Bar for providing a great venue for us to host our party, and also to everyone (both Girls of Glam staff and our fans) for coming out to party with us and celebrate a fantastic year! We hope to have an even bigger party next year as GOG continues to grow. We have so much to look forward to in 2013 - and we love our staff and fans for all their support and hard work this year!

Thank you!

The Girls of Glam Staff