Wednesday, 9 October 2013

The Project - Guatemala | Supporting One of Our Own

Girls of Glam have a roster full of really great promo models. One of our most active-working promo models, Bethany was chosen to be a special kind of reality show. Unlike Big Brother, The Amazing Race, The Real World, or The Real Housewives of some capitalist city; Bethany was chosen for a less-glamorous reality show. The Project - Guatemala was something Bethany was not aware of. She thought she would be living in higher standards when she signed up for this opportunity...but instead she was mislead into an eye-opening opportunity of a lifetime.

We did a one-on-one with Bethany - a well-known promo model for Girls of Glam in Toronto, Ontario, and asked her about her experience on the show (without giving too much away)

1. What was original concept you were presented with that enticed you to apply for this opportunity?
I  was told that we would be travelling  around the world going to an exotic luxury location for an experience of a lifetime. Before we left, I went shopping for a whole new wardrobe. Got my hair and nails done and brought all my makeup.
2. How shocked were you when you found out what the show was actually going to be about and what you were going to be doing?
At first I didn’t believe it. I agreed to stay and take part in the project, but I really had no idea what I was getting myself into. When everything you had planned in your mind goes completely the opposite way it’s very shocking. 
3. How did you feel about The Project Guatemala once you realized what you were doing? Did you think it would be a good opportunity, or were you nervous?
Honestly, the first 2 weeks were the hardest for me. I was so mad that I put myself in this situation and at times I wanted to just give up and go home. Living and working with the rest of the participants, and learning more about why we were doing what we were doing while we were there is what really motivated me to stay because we were all going through this experience together.
4. How have the experiences on the show changed your perspective on things?
Spending time in Guatemala was a life changing experience. I’m much more aware of what is going on in the world and what poverty really means. I don’t think people really understand it until its staring you right in the face. It was hard to see the orphans and how they live on very little, just enough to survive. Being back at home my interests have changed. I don’t diet anymore; I don’t waste any food at all. I’m much more confident in myself and not afraid to not a have perfect body, or perfect hair. This experience made me grow up,.It was a major culture shock. Here in Canada we are so lucky , we take things for granted - spending too much time focusing and stressing on these things that in retrospect don’t even matter. We should all spend more time appreciating what we have, and most of all each other. Because out there somewhere is a hungry child without a family who would do anything to have what we have.
5. Do you think the show will help others be more appreciative of their lives – or do you think many will see this more as entertainment?
This show is so different from your typical reality show. Things do get intense, which you’ll have to tune in to see..But I do hope it will make people appreciate their lives. It’s the reason the show was made – to make a difference and make people aware that they can make a difference. They actually have created a way for people to donate back to Project Somos, the charity from the show, by donating via text, which I encourage everyone to do. They are an amazing organization. To donate $10 text PROJECT to 45678 and to donate $20 text SOMOS to 45678.

6. What did you love most about participating in The Project Guatemala?
I learned Spanish! And I loved getting to know the Guatemalan people. Even though there was a language barrier, they were sympathetic of our struggles and were welcoming to all of us. It was funny because we are from two different worlds, but we somehow found a way to communicate. They all have a great sense of humour.
7. Do you think you still would have applied for the show if you knew what it was going to be from the beginning?
Before I went to Guatemala I was very self-centred and had never done any volunteer work in my life. Bethany before this trip probably would have said no. But I am so glad I did.  
8. Were there any moments on the show where your disappointed in yourself?
[Yes], of course. I was a very different person then. It is a very weird feeling watching yourself on television. I can hardly remember what I ate for breakfast never mind what I said months ago. It’s definitely eye opening seeing how I used to be, but I can’t let it stress me out. It’s a nice reminder of how the experience changed me, and how proud I am of who I am and where I am today. 
 9. What about moments that made you feel good about yourself; or even proud or brave?
This entire experience made me feel good about myself. There were moments that turned the experience around for me, but viewers will have to tune in to see what happens.
10. What can viewers expect from the show?
There is no other show out there like The Project: Guatemala. Viewers can expect to be amazed, shocked and proud to be Canadian. Expect to laugh, cry and connect with each of us as you watch us go through this life changing experience. And I hope it prompts people to want to make a difference.

Make sure you tune into this show and watch Bethany's transformation! The GOG team will be watching weekly!

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